River Valley Middle School Photography Enrichment Photos!

I finished a photography enrichment program with students at River Valley Middle School, and wanted to share some of the photos and talk about the experience. This is the third year I have done this, and each year the photos keep getting better and better!

First off, you can view a selection of some of the best shots here:

For this year, we were able to get a grant from the Artists in Schools program. This meant we could teach 35 students, plus 7 helpers from previous years!

The first two days were spent going over the basics. The various genres of photography, the different styles of portraits, and some technical basics of photography. The students took portraits of each other using different lenses and shutter speeds to see how they affect the photograph. We also had fun playing around with perspective!

The second week was spent using studio lights and doing portraits.
The students learned all the various types of equipment and styles, then photographed each other. We used a variety of backgrounds(black, white, patterned) and lighting set-ups(two light, single light, monster light, crystal ball) I was really impressed with the students as they began moving the light around, trying different angles and posing, and changing the look and feel of the portraits.

Again, to see some more of their great work, head here:

If you’d like to see work from previous years, check them out here:



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