Behind The Photo: Air Canada Flight 646 Crash

Interior shot of the cabin of Air Canada Flight 646, which crashed upon landing at the Fredericton Airport on December 16th, 1997

Hard to belive how fast time flies. It has been 25 years now since I took this photograph, which basically led to my almost two-decade career at the Telegraph-Journal. I’ve told the story behind the photograph more than a few times, but never put it down on here.

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How To Photograph The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th


A super awesome lunar eclipse is happening in the early morning hours of Tuesday, November 8th.
Most of Eastern Asia/Australia and Western North America are the prime viewing areas and will be able to witness the entire event, but those of you in North America/Central America will get to see some of it. (Sorry South America are sitting this one out!)
If you are lucky enough to be in the prime viewing areas however, here are tips on how to photograph the lunar eclipse!

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How to Photograph the Orionid Meteor Shower in 2023

A Perseid Meteor streaks through the sky in August 2018

The annual Orionid Meteor Shower is peaking in the evening of Saturday October 21st to early Sunday October 22nd! Not the busiest shower, with usually 25 meteors an hour! But still a good opportunity,  so get out your tripods, get a cup of coffee, and go photograph them! Here’s some tips on how!

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How to Photograph A Lunar Eclipse on May 15th-16th 2022


A super awesome lunar eclipse is happening late Sunday evening May 15th into Monday May 16th
North and South America are the prime viewing areas and will be able to witness the entire event, but those of you in Europe, Africa, will be able to see some of it. (Sorry Asia/Australia, are sitting this one out!)
If you are lucky enough to be in the prime viewing areas however, here are tips on how to photograph the lunar eclipse!

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Starting your career after graduating from any college or university program can be difficult.
Photography is no exception, but frankly can be much harder these days as there are not as many “jobs” in photography as there used to be.
Most students go on to freelance work, or start their own studio.
All of which involves time and lots of money need to buy professional cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, computers, and software.
Which can be hard to do when you have student loan at your door wanting their money back.

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Here is today’s photography wordle.
It could be a digital or film photography-based term…a historic process…even an equipment or photography company brand name!

If you want to get updated when I post a new one, you will need to register for a free acount HERE.
Then you can go to your subscription settings HERE and make sure that WORDLE category is checked!
If you have’t been here from the start, check out the archive page HERE!


Think someone you know would like this? Why not share it with them!


Here is one with more letters!


Think someone you know would like this? Why not share it with them!

Reminder, if you want to get updated when I post a new one, you will need to register for a free acount HERE.
Then you can go to your subscription settings HERE and make sure that WORDLE category is checked!



I hope you found this fun!
Since you are into photography, you should check out my LearnPhoto365 Photography Assignment Generator Apps on the app store and the Google Play store, a unique photography app that’s meant to inspire you to take great photos!

Perfect for anyone taking part in a Photo 365 challenge, there are over a hundred individual assignments and hundreds of thousands of potential random ones. Versions available for both iOS and Android including free versions so you can try them out! Full details, including reviews and tour videos of the apps can be found at

Noel Chenier
Photographer and teacher
Connect with Noel on INSTAGRAM or TWITTER or via EMAIL
LearnPhoto365 app available for IOS on the App Store or for Android on Google Play.
Noel’s Portfolio
Work Done by My Students!


More Photo Tips

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    Canada Games Athletes-Sailors Alex Black and Kelvin Gilliland

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    Random Object Assignment

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  • Photography Assignment Generator for iPad Now Available!

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TheSocialNoel Merchandise

#THESOCIALNOEL merch is here!

Check out what currently available on my Redbubble store!!

I know it’s inconceivable…but somehow brands still aren’t beating down my door to sponsor me.
So I need to find a way to make some money with this social media influencer thing.

So I’m going to have to start doing what all desperate influencers do…
Selling merchandise, AKA  “MERCH.”

And thanks to print on demand, you can put your dumb logo, face, or slogan on pretty much anything.
All forms of clothing: shirts, tank tops, hoodies, socks, and uh….underwear.
Useful items like mugs, beer and shot glasses, phone cases, pens, stationary, pillows, tote bags, clocks, shower curtains, aprons, towels, and blankets.
Fun things like buttons, stickers, magnets, bumper stickers, ornaments, or plush toys.

You can make books, calendars, cards, posters, and prints of all your favourite images.

You name it, someone can emblazon it!

Redbubble, Printify, Printful, Shopify, Lulu are all companies that offer a wide range of these products.

And it’s all so easy. Just upload your design, decide which crap you want to put it on, make some tweaks, and BOOM. You’ve got MERCH!

Many will even sell it and ship it for you. You just tell them how much profit you want to make. Then you just sit back and wait for the money to roll in as your devoted fans max out their credit cards to get a piece of you to make their life complete.

So for those last minute Christmas gifts for the person who has everything, or you totally forgot to buy for someone and don’t care at this point what you get them, head to THESOCIALNOEL merch page and get out your credit card to buy the most unique gift you’ll ever give. It’s too late to have delivery by Christmas, but you can blame that on the pandemic.

And that’s just the beginning. Be on the lookout for:
TheSocialNoel coloring books.
The SocialNoel lunchbox.
TheSocialNoel breakfast cereal.
The SocialNoel flamethrower (The kids will love that one.)
And my personal favourite:
The SocialNoel doll!

Thanks to NBCCD graphic design alumni Kerri-Leigh Buckingham for making this design for me.
Check them out on Instagram or their website.


Ideas Box Outtakes

Sharp eyed viewers may have noticed something amiss in my HOW I GET MY IDEAS post
That box in the photo WASN’T a dishwasher box!

What I said WAS true. My dishwasher did die, and as a result I had to buy a new one. Seeing the dishwasher box did inspire me to take some photos with it, but after I was done I wasn’t totally happy with the results.
My fat ass didn’t really fit well enough in the box, the helmet was kinda big and made it hard to look up, the background didn’t really work…so I decided that I was going to try shooting it outdoors.
So I put it in the shed to use it later, and of course when my shed caught fire in July it was burned up with everything else.

That meant I had to buy a new lawnmower…and that box ended up working out much better!

But here are some of the photos from the original shoot, as I love sharing “outtakes”

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How To Photograph A Comet (NEOWISE)

Comet NEOWISE visible in the night sky on July 18th, 2020 Shot at 30 seconds, F4, ISO 6400 with 24mm lens.

Comet C/2020 F3, AKA “NEOWISE” is gracing out sky for the next week. If you wanted to try to photograph it, I’ve got some tips for you. Now will be your only chance, since it won’t come back for another 6,800 years!

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