Sharp eyed viewers may have noticed something amiss in my HOW I GET MY IDEAS post…
That box in the photo WASN’T a dishwasher box!
What I said WAS true. My dishwasher did die, and as a result I had to buy a new one. Seeing the dishwasher box did inspire me to take some photos with it, but after I was done I wasn’t totally happy with the results.
My fat ass didn’t really fit well enough in the box, the helmet was kinda big and made it hard to look up, the background didn’t really work…so I decided that I was going to try shooting it outdoors.
So I put it in the shed to use it later, and of course when my shed caught fire in July it was burned up with everything else.
That meant I had to buy a new lawnmower…and that box ended up working out much better!
But here are some of the photos from the original shoot, as I love sharing “outtakes”
[foogallery id=”4091″](24)