Starting your career after graduating from any college or university program can be difficult.
Photography is no exception, but frankly can be much harder these days as there are not as many “jobs” in photography as there used to be.
Most students go on to freelance work, or start their own studio.
All of which involves time and lots of money need to buy professional cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, computers, and software.
Which can be hard to do when you have student loan at your door wanting their money back.
So I wanted to do something to help my students at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design.
I began by selling calendars based on The Social Noel, my pandemic photo project.
Somehow enough people wanted to buy a calendar full of silly self portraits that I took than I managed to raise $500 to give out to students in 2021.
Which was awesome.
However, there are only so many people willing to buy silly photos of me…
That led me to decide to create an ACTUAL scholarship, though the NBCC Foundation, called the DEVELOP AWARD!
Money from this scholarship will help both graduating students as well are students returning for their second year of studies.
It can go towards tution, supplies, or buying the right camera or other equipment they will need.
The great thing is that it’s managed by the NBCC foundation, so you can pay via credit card, cheque, etc, and they will also send you an official TAX DONATION receipt!
So I’d love for you to contribute!
I know that times are tough, but even if it’s $5, anything helps and it all goes to help students start their photography careers, or continue their education at NBCCD. You can even make it a yearly donation if you like!
1. Head to the NBCC Foundation Donation Page
2. Scroll down to the big yellow DONATE button and click on it to take you to the paypal donate window
3. Choose your domation amount
5. On the next page, click on WRITE A NOTE and then enter DEVELOP PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD FUND (NBCCD-#0226)
6. Put in your details, and click DONATE NOW
And that’s it! The NBCC Foundation will send you a tax receipt in the mail in Jan/February.
I would also appreciate it if you could send me a note to let me know you have donated!
If you are able to contribute, thank you so much for supporting our students! Even if you know of anyone else who may want to contribute, please forward this post on!
And if you are interested in a career in photography…please check out the NBCCD site for more information!
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Noel Chenier
Photographer and teacher
Connect with Noel on INSTAGRAM or TWITTER or via EMAIL
Photography Assignment Generator Apps now available on the app store!
Noel’s Portfolio
Work Done by My Students!