Photo Bits May 10th 2016

Icebergs always make for great images…but look at how amazing they look when they have flipped upside down!

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-Salivating over all those delicious photos you see of food? Not so appetizing after you read some of the tricks used in food photography

-Vincenzo Mazzo shares the story of how he destroyed his car door but then shot an award-winning photo

-TED talks are always informative and cover a wide range of topics and issues…check out all the ones related to photography


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Mextures is a great app editing your images, with a wide assortment of textures, light leaks, and effects.

On the app store

More info on the app

Examples images made using Mextures


Life Magazine

Life Magazine is long gone, but Time is nice enough to keep an online archive of the amazing photography from it.

You can submit interesting photography sites to the links directory here.

Have you come across an awesome photography related article that you think other people would be interested in? Email it to me and I’ll post it in a future Photo Bits!


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Photo Bits May 4th 2016

In honor of May The 4th Be With You day…the Force is strong with this edition of Photo Bits…
Photographer Paweł Kadysz brings a little levity to the darkside with a series of images depicting Darth Vader as an everyday joe.


-Lots of people use Star Wars figures as their subject…check out
Zahir Batin, Stormtroopers365, Rather Childish, and Vesa Lehtimaki

-Here’s an easy (although very boring voiced) tutorial on making lightsabers

50 behind the scenes images of the cast of Star Wars

-Series of portraits of Star Wars fans and their collections

-Site containing images from the original shoots of the Star Wars figures


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Why The Long Play Face is a hilarious mash up of album covers redone using Star Wars characters.

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Photo Bits March 29th 2016

Interview with Jerry Uelsmann, a pioneer in image manipulation. BTW…all done in the DARKROOM…no photoshop!

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-Interesting series of videos by Mathieu Stern of him shooting with weird and old lenses

-PhotoJojo is celebrating 10 years with a list of their 10 most popular posts.

-Learn about the creation of the first Kodak digital camera in this New York Times Lens Blog article.

-Hilarious series of images by Freddy Fabris that recreate famous paintings…with mechanics as the subjects.


Check out more great strips here!


Color Thief is an interesting app that allows you to take colors from one image and transfer them to another. Takes some playing around with, but it can provide some very interesting results.

On the app store


Canadian Photography Institute

The National Gallery of Canada is establishing the Canadian Photography Institute (CPI), a world-class, multidisciplinary research centre dedicated to the history, evolution and future of photography.

You can submit interesting photography sites to the links directory here.

Have you come across an awesome photography related article that you think other people would be interested in? Email it to me and I’ll post it in a future Photo Bits!


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Photo Bits March 22nd 2016


Google has made the Nik Collection of plugins for Photoshop/Lightroom free to download. A lot of useful tools in this bundle, from black and white conversion, hdr, sharpening, image effects and more. Note: You will need Photoshop CS/CC, Elements, or Lightroom to use it.

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-Learn about the creation of the first Kodak digital camera in this New York Times Lens Blog article.

-Hilarious series of images by Freddy Fabris that recreate famous paintings…with mechanics as the subjects.

-Here is a hilarious video of photographers trying out Photoshop Version 1.0

-Strange story on how photographer Ryan Visima got kicked off a beach for taking photos


Check out more great strips here!


LetterGlow is a great app for add text, artwork, and effects to your images. It has tons of fonts, lots of styles.

On the app store

More info on the app



Life Magazine

Life Magazine is long gone, but Time is nice enough to keep an online archive of the amazing photography from it.

You can submit interesting photography sites to the links directory here.

Have you come across an awesome photography related article that you think other people would be interested in? Email it to me and I’ll post it in a future Photo Bits!


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Photo Bits Mar 15th 2016

Over 14,000 images from the Apollo missions have been put on Flickr. One small step for man, one giant leap for photography!

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-If you can believe it, some parents are naming their kids after Instagram filters

-The Camera Store has a You Tube channel, with lots of great videos…including the Battle of F-Stop Ridge and it’s sequel

-Looking for a great gift for the photographer in your life? Check out this list of Time’s top photography books of 2015

Browse over 170,000 images taken by photographers from 1935 to 1945 created by the United States Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information

-Wonderful behind the scenes-ish page about the Sports Illustrated boxing photographs of Neil Leifer


Check out more great strips here!


Mark Hemmings is a Saint John based travel photographer and educator who takes amazing photos on his journeys around the world.


Waterlogue is a great app for add text, artwork, and effects to your images. It has tons of fonts, lots of styles.

On the app store

More info on the app

Examples images made using Waterlogue


Lens Culture

A great online showcase of contemporary photography in a diverse range of genres

You can submit interesting photography sites to the links directory here.

Have you come across an awesome photography related article that you think other people would be interested in? Email it to me and I’ll post it in a future Photo Bits!

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