Photo Bits March 22nd 2016


Google has made the Nik Collection of plugins for Photoshop/Lightroom free to download. A lot of useful tools in this bundle, from black and white conversion, hdr, sharpening, image effects and more. Note: You will need Photoshop CS/CC, Elements, or Lightroom to use it.

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-Learn about the creation of the first Kodak digital camera in this New York Times Lens Blog article.

-Hilarious series of images by Freddy Fabris that recreate famous paintings…with mechanics as the subjects.

-Here is a hilarious video of photographers trying out Photoshop Version 1.0

-Strange story on how photographer Ryan Visima got kicked off a beach for taking photos


Check out more great strips here!


LetterGlow is a great app for add text, artwork, and effects to your images. It has tons of fonts, lots of styles.

On the app store

More info on the app



Life Magazine

Life Magazine is long gone, but Time is nice enough to keep an online archive of the amazing photography from it.

You can submit interesting photography sites to the links directory here.

Have you come across an awesome photography related article that you think other people would be interested in? Email it to me and I’ll post it in a future Photo Bits!


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