Apps Infected By The Harlem Shake

Turns out photography apps are just as vulnerable to the Harlem Shake craze as schools, TV hosts, offices, sports teams, etc are…and my Photography Assignment Generator app was leading the way!
I hope you enjoy it! There is also a behind the scenes video below the jump!

I know the Harlem Shake craze is pretty much over, but the idea came to me so I did it.
I tried to make the app “dances” relate to their function…so the Instagram, Distressed FX, PhotoViva icons were brought into their respective apps and had filters, etc applied to them, I did the ripped page effect on the Photo365 app, turned the Simply B&W app icon to B&W and back, Big Lens app blurred…and some just had fun, like the Flickr dots bouncing around, the iColorama spin, or the Camera+ and Awesome changing places.
The Photo Rights app icon disappearing is a statement of the fact that Photographers Rights are in fact disappearing these days…

Here’s a behind the scenes video on how I made this happen:


Here’s info on the various apps on this video, which I recommend you check out and download!

Photography Assignment Generators
Completely unique photography apps that are all about inspiration and idea for taking photos.  Versions for iPhone/iPod and iPad, for both SLR shooters and iPhoneographers.
More info at

Big Lens:
A great app that lets you simulate shallow depth of field.

A great replacement for the iOS camera. Gives you separate control over focus and exposure, along with filters, editing tools, and sharing options.

Camera Awesome:
Another great replacement for the iOS camera with filters, editing tools, and sharing options.

Camera C64:
Turns your images into 8 bit Commodore 64

Distressed FX:
Another great filter effects app.

Great app for connecting to Flickr to share your photos with the world.

iColorama S:
Another great editing app to get artistic with your images.

One of the most popular shooting and sharing apps, lots of great filters.

A great way to keep track of your 365 photo challenge.

Photographer’s Rights:
Know your rights as a photographer in a variety of countries!  What you can and can’t legally photograph.

Get artistic with your images with brush effects and other editing tools.

Simply B&W:
Great app to convert your images to Black and White!

Slow Shutter Cam:
Great app that allows you to simulate slow shutter speeds.

A great photo editor, FREE thanks to Google.

NOTE: All apps in this video are the property of their respective creators and have been purchased through the Apple App Store.

Noel Chenier
Photographer and teacher
LEARNPHOTO.CA  Noel’s online photography learning community!
NEW! Photography Assignment Generator Apps now available on the app store!’s Portfolio
Noel’s Photo Tips Blog
Work Done by My Students!
Contact Email:



How About A Photo Scavenger Hunt…In Space!

As many of you know, Canadian astronaut Commander Chris Hadfield has been using Twitter to share some of his amazing shots he is taking during his time on the International Space Station.
He’s got a unique view on the Earth, and the images are spectacular!  You should bookmark his Tumblr page.
If you haven’t been following him on Twitter, he’s @Cmdr_Hadfield

It’s been great how he has been interacting through social media and sharing with Canadians.
For something fun, Canadians have been asked to take part in a photo challenge to add an image of Colonel Hadfield in his space suit by the Canadian Space Agency.

Colonel Hadfield himself has challenged some of his twitter followers to caption some of his great images, or use photoshop on them.

While I doubt he would have time for it, I thought it might be interesting to offer HIM a photo challenge or two.

So I fired up my Photography Assignment app, and got some.

The first is a scavenger hunt list.  So the idea would be for him to photograph things that are or that do these terms:


Given the relatively small area he has to work in up there, it might be quite a challenge to come up  with subjects for some of these…but having seen his photos, I think he’s got the creative eye to make it work. 

The second batch are random object/techniques.  Took a while to get these, as most of the objects that come up they wouldn’t probably have up there right now…not too much use for a snow shovel on the International Space Station i bet. 🙂

Guitar/Up Close -Get in close with a macro or zoom lens on a detail on the subject
Glove/From Below  -Shoot the subject from a lower angle
Face/Monster Lighting  -Use off camera flash or a spotlight to illuminate the subject from below

Some other random assignments:

His vantage point gives a great view on the Earth, and when the sun is lower on the horizon he’ll have some wicked shadows being cast on the mountains and landscapes. The assignment would be to focus closer on those cool lines of dark and light contrast

Look for reflections in metal, glass, still water. 

Use a macro or crop in to get extremely close to a subject, making it abstract.

Take your favourite song lyric, poem, quote, phrase, book title or passage and illustrate it with your camera.
Here’s a couple to start with:
“It’s Not That Easy Being Green-Kermitethe Frog”
“All Alone! Whether You Like it Or Not, Alone Is Something You’ll Be Quite A Lot!-Dr Seuss”
“Everything Has Its Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It-Confucious”

 Colonel Hadfield is probably too busy for this, but who knows?  Maybe he’ll take me up on the challenge!
And feel free to take part yourself and post some mages on the flickr group for the app!

Happy shooting!
Noel Chenier

Photographer and teacher
LEARNPHOTO.CA  Noel’s online photography learning community!
NEW! Photography Assignment Generator Apps now available on the app store!’s Portfolio
Noel’s Photo Tips Blog
Work Done by My Students!
Contact Email:


Photography Assignment Generator for iPad Now Available!

 Hello everyone!
I’m very excited to announce the launch of the iPad versions of the Photography Assignment Generator App for SLR Photographers!

Get them on the app store here:


 Here is all the info on the full and free versions, please share!

Whether you are taking on a 365 day photo challenge or just looking for inspiration or ideas to expand your photography, these UNIQUE apps will be just perfect for you. While most apps on the app store let you DO things to the photographs you taken, like add text, borders, filters, or special effects, these apps are about ideas for TAKING photographs.

Photography Assignment Generator For iPad Features:
OVER 100 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS AND THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL RANDOM ONES! Everything from camera settings, rules of composition, creative shooting techniques, photographing people, landscape and nature, and more subjects! Random objects and places, combined with techniques, environments, offer you hundreds of thousands of possibilities! The scavenger hunt assignment gives you lists of terms to find with your camera…with MILLIONS of possible combinations! You can choose from the list, or have the app give you one at random!

Each assignment has a series of example images to demonstrate the technique or inspire you!

Taking part in a 365 day challenge?  Get the app to send you a reminder each day to get your photo assignment to keep you on track.

The app is completely self-contained and does not require a wifi or network connection.  No matter where you are, you can always get an assignment. NOTE: Due to the huge amount of content and beautiful images, both the free and full version of the app must be downloaded over wi-fi or through iTunes on your computer.

Get it for iPad on the app store here:

I’ve set up a Flickr groups for those who wish to share their awesome images inspired by the apps! A group for slr shooters is here:
There is a group for iphotographers here:
I would love to see what you’ve come up with using the apps

Take a quick tour of the apps and their features by watching my online tour videos on Youtube here:  and on Vimeo here:
The videos are for the iPhone version, but the iPad version is pretty much the same, but with larger text and images`

As a firm believe that people should be able to try before they buy, there is also a FREE version of the full app that contains just a fraction of the assignments available in the full paid version…but should be enough to make you want it all!

Get it on the app store for iPad here:

iPhone/iPod Touch Versions

There are three versions of the app for use on iPhone/iPod Touches:

PHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT GENERATOR, for those with SLR/Advanced Point and Shoot cameras. Same features as iPad version listed above. Get it on the app store for iPhone/iPod here:

iPHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT GENERATOR for iPhoneographers shooting with their iPhone/iPod touch
Get it on the app store for iPhone/iPod here:

As a firm believe that people should be able to try before they buy, there is also a FREE version of the full app that contains just a fraction of the assignments available in the full paid version…but should be enough to make you want it all! It is from the full slr version, but the iPhotography version is basically the same , so it would work for both.    
Get it on the app store for iPhone/iPod here:

iPhotography Assignment Generator for iPhone/iPod Touches Features

Tailored to shooting with your iPhone/iPod, assignments range from the rules of composition, creative shooting techniques, photographing people, landscape and nature, and more subjects! Random objects and places, combined with techniques, environments, offer you hundreds of thousands of possibilities! The scavenger hunt assignment gives you lists of terms to find with your camera…with MILLIONS of possible combinations! You can choose from the list, or have the app give you one at random! Each assignment has a series of example images to demonstrate the technique or inspire you, with over 500 images in the app in total.

The app includes tutorials on getting better photos with your iPhone/iPod touch, as well as popular apps Instagram and Camera+

Taking part in a 365 day challenge?  Get the app to send you a reminder each day to get your photo assignment to keep you on track.

The app is completely self-contained and does not require a wifi or network connection.  No matter where you are, you can always get an assignment. NOTE: Due to the huge amount of content, the app must be downloaded over wi-fi or through iTunes on your computer.
Get it on the app store here:

Development for Android has begun! Email me at to be kept updated on it’s progress!

-App page on the web
-On Facebook
-on Twitter
-Video channels on Youtube here:  and on Vimeo here:
-Don’t forget to rate and review the apps on the app store!


As was the case with my first launch, I need your help to get these apps out there and up the lists.  If I can get into the top 10 lists, it will be huge exposure!

I will again be offering random prize draws to try to thank you for this help.  I will be offering 5 $50 certificates towards courses.  Even if you won last time, you name will go in again. If the app goes big, I will add some better prizes hopefully!

-forward this blogpost about the launch of the apps-
-while I hope you all download the full version, even if you just download the FREE version it helps get the apps up the popular lists, and that’s what I need to be successful at this.
-Please forward the info I sent you on the app to anyone else you think may be interested! Make sure to cc me on the email!
-Post the info on any photographers forums, blogs, etc, that you take part in who may be interested.  If you do, please send me a link so I can monitor for any questions/problems/feedback, etc.
-Like and share my app page on Facebook
-Like and share my posts on Facebook about the app launch
-Like and share my app page on my website at
-Follow me on twitter, tweet about the app, or retweet my posts at
-Share the videos on my channels on Youtube here:  and on Vimeo here:
-Rate and review the apps on the app store!

thank you everyone for helping me get closer to my dream of just doing what I love, teaching photography!

Photographer and teacher
LEARNPHOTO.CA  Noel’s online photography learning community!
NEW! Photography Assignment Generator Apps now available on the app store!’s Portfolio
Noel’s Photo Tips Blog
Work Done by My Students!
Contact Email:


Updated info On Grand Manan workshop!

Just an bit of an update on the Grand Manan Photography workshop scheduled for July 12-15th!  Getting lots of interest, I’m pumped and can’t wait!!!   Make sure you contact me asap if you are interested in attending as spots are filling up!  Please share with anyone you think may be interested as well! New details on MACHIAS SEAL ISLAND TRIP, PRICING, FLEXIBILITY, and TRANSPORTATION below!


Grand Manan, named by Readers Digest as one of the world’s 7 best small islands ( , is a beautiful island full of photographic possibilities! The fishing villages, lighthouses, wharves and boats. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Amazing shorelines. A wide array of geological features-cliffs, rocks, sandy beaches. Early summer wildflowers. Being a maritime island, the weather can be upredictable, which can provide some interesting challenges, but also some amazing opportunities!
View some amazing photography from previous workshops here:

This four day workshop is for photographers of all levels, from beginner on up.  I will be guiding you around the various areas throughout the island, offering suggestions on settings and techniques to try to capture the best images.
Each evening there will be a critiquing session of the days shooting.

One day will feature a boat trip to Machias Seal Island, where we will photograph the famous Atlantic Puffins, Razorbills, and possibly see a whale or two! 

I’ve confirmed and booked Saturday July 14th for the Machias Seal Island trip.
Machias Seal Island is a disputed piece of rock in the Bay of Fundy which wouldn’t be special to most people, except for the fact that it is home to sanctuary for seabirds such as Atlantic Puffins , Razorbills, and  Common and Arctic Terns!
I can take a maximum of 19 people with me.  14 can land on the island with me, the other 5 get to shoot from the water.
As I had stated, I’m happy to be flexible with the workshop.  So if all the spots arent taken by full workshop participants, I’d be happy to take anyone who wanted to come just for that day!  If you need accommodations, I can see what the Marathon can do for you.  


Thursday July 12th
Arrival by ferry
11am Course Start
11-4pm Shooting
4pm-5pm Supper break
5pm-7pm Critique session
8pm-10pm Sunset shoot

Friday July 13th
Early morning sunrise shoot!
9am-4pm shooting
4pm-5pm Supper break
5pm-7pm Critique session
8pm-10pm Sunset shoot

Saturday July 14th
Schedule for the day will revolve around the trip times, which will depend on the tides.
Early morning sunrise/Sunset shoot may or may not be done based on the times.  

Sunday July 15th
Early morning sunrise shoot!
Shooting until 3pm
Course wrap up
Depart on 5:30pm ferry

While taking the whole workshop will provide the best experience, we can work with your schedule!

    -a digital SLR or advanced point and shoot with Manual(M) or Shutter Priority Mode(TV/S)
    -knowledge of basic camera functions and settings is preferred, but Noel will be going over the settings to use throughout the workshop!
-a TRIPOD is a necessity.  I have an extra one if necessary that can be borrowed, if you are looking at purchasing one, I have recommendations on my site or my blog,
   -a laptop to download photographs to is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, as you will taking a ton of photos and will most likely fill your cards! however, I will have a laptop if needed.  A small thumbdrive for moving images would also be handy

I will be setting a date for a non refundable deposit near the end of May for $100.  This will allow me to ensure spots for the Machias trip.  

One participants, all accommodations/meals, single occupancy                          $1065
Two participants, all accommodations/meal, double occupancy(double bed)         $1730
Tuition only (Grand Manan residents or those with other accomodations)               $565
For those not staying at the Marathon, meals can be included for an extra cost.

I have room in my van to transport people from the Saint John area to Grand Manan and back.  If anyone wants to save gas, or they need a ride, let me know and we’ll book you a spot in the Chenier Quest express!

Transportation to/from/ferry cost(info below)
*Final meal while waiting for ferry not included in price*

Contact Noel to express your interest.
Once I have enough to make them a go I’ll set a payment date and confirm final details.  As always, please forward the info to anyone you think may be interested.

Email Noel at to register or for more information. Noel can be contacted via phone @ 506-608-6424

Ferry prices are here:
VERY IMPORTANT-It is highly recommended that you reserve a spot for your return trip.

For more information on Grand Manan, head to

Sara Wormell, one of my former students, is an amazing photographer and is from Grand Manan, check out her website here:  for some amazing photos of her home island

Photographer and teacher
LEARNPHOTO.CA, Noel’s online photography learning community!
Noel’s Photo Tips Blog
Work Done by My Students!
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:


Zelda Halloween Costume

Well, I had fun with making this and some good comments, so I’d thought I’d post a bit about it.
My son Gabriel is a big fan of retro gaming…he loves anything old. So we have a Sega Master system, Super Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, and of course lots of games on the Wii from the Virtual Console(old games that you can download and play on the Wii.)

So, when coming up with an idea for a costume for Halloween, he wanted to do something Nintendo related. We just recently bought the Wii game Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess, and he had downloaded some of the older Zelda games as well, so he though he’d like to go as Link (The hero of the game for those who aren’t/were never gamers or don’t have kids…)

It just so happened that the element in our oven had died, and the box was sitting next to the kitchen table…and the idea came. Why not go as a Nintendo cartridge?

Since I didn’t have any Nintendo cartridges kicking around the house, I went to Google and found some photos of various cartridges. And of course I came across the Legend of Zelda gold version of the cartridge…which I had completely forgotten about. So we had our idea.

So then I had to make it look like a cartridge.

Also wanted to try to get it to scale, so I measured the photo of the real cartridge, then did math (i hate math) to scale it to the box size.

There was an indentation on the top of the cartridge where your thumb was supposed to go (how many of you got bruises from banging your thumb on the top of the open in the NES?), but I realized that creating that would mean Gabe probably wouldn’t fit into the costume. Same thing goes with the indents that should be on the bottom.

For the ridges on the cartridges, I took a box of alphabets cereal, measured out the right dimensions and cut a bunch of rectangular strips.

Then, gold spray paint! Did almost three coats as for some reason, the writing on the box kept coming through the paint. Sprayed all the little ridge strips as well.

Originally I was going to try to draw the label, but decided that wouldn’t look great..but I was able to get a higher resolution photo that had the label nice and big, so I just printed that off to scale. It’s not the exact label, but it was the only one that was high enough resolution to print, so it’s close enough.

Glued on the label, glued on the strips. Cut the holes for Gabe’s head and arms (had to cut the head hole twice, he’s got a huge noggin…)
Last step was to use one of the cut holes to make the triangle on the box. Glued it on, and we’re done!

The costume didn’t need any extra safety additions as the entire costume is reflective.
The only problem…the width of the box meant he couldn’t hold his candy bag with both hands!

The whole thing completely ties in with the fact that this year is the Legend of Zelda’s 25th Anniversary, and the newest game they are releasing for the Wii (Legend of Zelda-Skyward Sword) comes with a gold colored Wii remote.



2010 Photographs of the Year-Public Vote!

Just for fun, I’ve decided to have a separate voting for the 2010 Photographs of the Year and let the general public vote!

head to:

Take a look, and vote for the four shots you think are the best! Forward this to anyone who enjoys photography and might be interested in casting their ballot, tell your friends to vote for you pix, even if you’ve voted in the contest for members of learnphoto, feel free to do so again!

I’ll have voting on until Sunday February 13th and announce the winner on Monday Feb 14th!


Photographer and teacher
LEARNPHOTO.CA, Noel’s online photography learning community!
Noel’s Photo Tips Blog
Work Done by My Students!
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:


Entering a photo contest? READ THE FINE PRINT

A while back, a photographer on a discussion forum posted how happy he was that a photograph he had taken was in the running to be published in National Geographic Magazine in their YOUR SHOT feature.

On first glance, who wouldn’t want the opportunity to be able to say they had a photograph published in one of the most well known magazines in the world that features work by amazing photographers?

A closer look at the rules and terms at the contest however, should give you pause.

Read the FAQ on the contest (

When I submit a photo to Your Shot, do I retain the copyright to the photograph?

By submitting a photograph to Your Shot you will always retain ownership of the copyright. What you will grant National Geographic is a royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual license for that photograph. Please read through the Your Shot rules for more information on the rights you grant when submitting a photograph to Your Shot. ”

Followed by the terms of service (

5. For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in material you upload, comments you post, or other content you provide to the Site (“User Content”). By uploading User Content, you grant National Geographic (which includes its subsidiaries, affiliates, joint venturers, and licensees) the following rights: a royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual license to display, distribute, reproduce, and create derivatives of the User Content, in whole or in part, without further review or participation from you, in any medium now existing or subsequently developed, in editorial, commercial, promotional, and trade uses in connection with NG Products. National Geographic may license or sublicense, in whole or in part, to third parties rights in User Content as appropriate to distribute, market, or promote such NG Products. An NG Product is defined as “a product of National Geographic, a subsidiary, affiliate, joint venturer, or licensee of National Geographic, in any language, over which National Geographic has “Editorial Control.” For the purposes of this Agreement, “Editorial Control” means the right to review, consult regarding, formulate standards for, or to exercise a veto over the appearance, text, use, or promotion of the NG Product. You also agree that National Geographic may make User Content available to users of the Site who may display and redistribute it in the same way that National Geographic makes all other Content available.

Basically, this means that you are giving National Geographic the right to use your image as much as they want, however they want, whenever they want, make as much money as they want off the image, as well as allowing anyone else they give the rights to as well…
So you could submit an amazing photograph that gets published in the magazine, a book collection, advertisements, put on t-shirts, mugs, etc, and all you get is a tear-sheet of your image in National Geographic and bragging rights.

Contests like this are a way for National Geographic and other magazines, websites, etc, to get free content to exploit as they see fit.

To make this particular rights grab even worse, they have put together a bunch of YOUR SHOTS into a special collectors edition!

And it costs $11! So even if you had a shot published in it, you get to PAY for a copy!

And for an extra $8, you can upload your picture and have it on your specially made edition!

Check out the international photo competition and it’s the same thing… even the kids contest for crying out loud!


By entering the Contest, all entrants (and their respective parents and legal guardians) grant a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to Sponsor, its designees, licensees and affiliates (“Authorized Parties”), to reproduce, distribute, display and create derivative works of the entries (along with a name credit) in connection with the Contest and promotion of the Contest, in any media now or hereafter known, including, but not limited to: Display at a potential exhibition of winners; publication of a book featuring select entries in the Contest; publication in National Geographic Kids Magazine or online highlighting entries or winners of the Contest. Entrants consent to the Sponsor doing or omitting to do any act that would otherwise infringe the entrant’s “moral rights” in their entries. Display or publication of any entry on an Authorized Party’s website does not indicate the entrant will be selected as a winner. Authorized Parties will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such use.

Any time you want to enter a contest, check the rules and might be surprised what you find…in some cases, you are actually giving up the FULL COPYRIGHT on your image, meaning the contest holder could SUE you if you put the image on a website or sold it. nice huh?

Mark Loundy writes about the photo business and posts a regular column relating to rights and photography. In his column he has the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY. Some of the uglies just make me shudder!


Canada Games Athlete Portraits-Rugby Player Walker Blizzard

Today’s Canada Games Athlete portrait shoot is of rugby player Walker Blizzard.

This was one of the earlier shoots, so again the weather was cloudy. Which was fine, as again, it would allow me more control over the light. So I started off with Walker in front of the rugby uprights. I exposed for the sky to make Walker go dark….

allowing me to add the light with the flash.

I liked the effect, but found the sky a little blah, so I thought I’d add some color using the TUNGSTEN WB/warming gel effect. Just to recap, set the WHITE BALANCE to TUNGSTEN, which turns EVERYTHING blue, and place a CTO warming gel(orangey) on the flash to warm the light back up.

Tried some different angles with the light from the flash to create more of a “tougher” look.

Also did some monster lighting which looked kinda cool.

Like the first shoot with golfer Jennifer Armstrong, I had the option of trying to put the sun in the frame. So I had to under expose quite a bit more to get the sun a nice glowing ball, resulting in a really dark subject.

Then adding the flash to light up Walker.

Thought I’d try some throwing the ball shots too…

I also tried some shots using slow shutter speeds and panning the camera with Walker running with the ball. This one worked the best of all, but due to the fact I couldn’t do the 2nd curtain sync(flash fires at the end so the sharp image is on top of the blur), there was a bit too much blur if I went too slow.

For the final shots, I thought I’d try using some of the graffiti on the rock wall at Hazen White field.
But because I needed to light up both the background and Walker, I had to have the background flash really close to the rock. So in this shot, while I like it, a little problem with the flash and stand being visible. Before you say, just photoshop it out, ethically that’s a no no for newspaper photography. Anything like that, it would have to be labelled as a photo illustration.

So the solution was to set it up so Walker is in front and covering the flash and stand.

And finished it off with some more monster lighting(flash directly below the subject) which I thought looked really cool!

To see more in this series, head to my Canada Games Athlete Galleries on my site. I will be posting the images from each shoot after they have run in the paper, so keep checking back!

To read the story by Telegraph Journal reporter Jon MacNeill, click here.

Next up….baseball!


River Valley Middle School Photography Enrichment Photos!

I finished a photography enrichment program with students at River Valley Middle School, and wanted to share some of the photos and talk about the experience. This is the third year I have done this, and each year the photos keep getting better and better!

First off, you can view a selection of some of the best shots here:

For this year, we were able to get a grant from the Artists in Schools program. This meant we could teach 35 students, plus 7 helpers from previous years!

The first two days were spent going over the basics. The various genres of photography, the different styles of portraits, and some technical basics of photography. The students took portraits of each other using different lenses and shutter speeds to see how they affect the photograph. We also had fun playing around with perspective!

The second week was spent using studio lights and doing portraits.
The students learned all the various types of equipment and styles, then photographed each other. We used a variety of backgrounds(black, white, patterned) and lighting set-ups(two light, single light, monster light, crystal ball) I was really impressed with the students as they began moving the light around, trying different angles and posing, and changing the look and feel of the portraits.

Again, to see some more of their great work, head here:

If you’d like to see work from previous years, check them out here:


Want to Share Your Love of Photography with Others? Join a Camera Club!

If you enjoy sharing your love of photography with others, or just want to get out of the house or away from your spouse and kids for a night, joining a camera club can fulfill that need!

Most camera clubs offer a membership of various skill levels, from total beginner to professionals. No matter what level of skill, you will fit in. Most clubs offer guest speakers, field trips, competitions, and the sharing of information, techniques, and inspirations. Plus you get this all at a very affordable price!
In New Brunswick, there are quite a few camera clubs. Here is a list of the ones that I know about:

Fundy Camera Club(Saint John)
Their meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month, 6:30 to 9:00PM, from September to June. Contact is Ginny Abbott (club secretary) (506) 696-4337 email:

KV Camera Club
For those of you in the valley, this club meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. from September to June.
Couldn’t find an email contact, but you can contact them through the website:

Hampton Camera Club
A recent addition, the contact is club President Gary Rent at 832-5311 or

Focus Camera Club in Moncton

Photo Fredericton
Contact is President: Michiko Nishijima phone-367-1189 email:

Do you know of any other camera clubs? Send me the info and I’ll edit the posting!
