Workflow and Saving Images

Lots of people ask me the process I go through when working my images. Here are the steps I follow when I am downloading images(note, this is how I do it, other people may have better ways, but it works for me!):

1) Download the images from the card to my hard drive on my computer to a folder called ORIGINALS.

2) Copy them onto a backup hard drive into an identical ORIGINALS folder.

3) I then make a copy of the originals and put them into a folder called TO CORRECT

4) Make my corrections to the images, then save them in a folder called CORRECTED. Depending on what the client requires, I will save them as TIFF or JPEGS.

5) Copy the corrected images onto the backup hard drive in a folder called CORRECTED.

6) Once i have over 4 gigabytes of images, I will burn them to DVD, making two copies just in case something happens to a DVD.

This way, i’ve got three or four copies of the images in a variety of places so if my computer crashes, I’ve got a copy somewhere else.



As many of you know, myself and my photo colleagues at the Telegraph Journal recently had an exhibit of our work, Pixels to Print: The Art of Photojournalism in Saint John and Fredericton.
I had created a nice quality catalog book of the images through, an online publisher, for ourselves as a memento, and due to the response by our co workers made copies for them as well.

Due to the response to our show and the fact that others who have seen the book have asked about getting copies, I thought I’d find out how many others would be interested in getting a copy.
The price will be around $25, which will include shipping and taxes.

You can view a preview of the book here:

***NOTE-DO NOT CLICK ON ADD CART! If you order through the website, you will have to pay for full shipping and taxes as well!****
My plan is to do one large order, therefore reducing the shipping charges. You will have to pay for the book beforehand, either through Visa or mastercard or coming in to the Telegraph office on Crown Street and paying cash.

The book is 7″ high by 9″ wide, full colour high quality printing, and contains every image in the show.

Exact specs:
9″ x 7″, perfect binding, white interior paper (80# weight), full-color interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink

If you are interested, please reply to me at nchenier(at), and forward this info on to anyone else you think may be interested!


