May the 4th Be With You…. Star Wars themed ideas for your Photo365


May the 4th Be With You! If you are a Star Wars fan and are taking part in a Photo 365, here are some Star Wars themed ideas for your assignment!


Whether they are the action type, Lego, or collectable…a lot of creative images can be made from them!
I really hope you don’t have snow in May…but here are a few humourous Hoth-style images I shot with some Star Wars Lego figures.



It’s also very easy to get creative with lighting. Use off camera flash, or any light source you can move around to create dramatic light. Top and monster lighting will make more menacing light. You can also get interesting effects using shallow depth of field, or use your macro to get close up.

Photo by Flickr User Chris Isherwood. Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr User Chris Isherwood.
Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user JD Hancock. Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user JD Hancock.
Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user Yohanes Sanjaya Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user Yohanes Sanjaya Used under Creative Commons license.



It may not be Halloween, but since it’s May the 4th your friends can probably get away with wearing Star Wars costumes.



You can also use interesting lighting from the top, side or spotlight to create interesting detail images of helmets, props, etc.

Photo by Flickr user FiDalwood Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user FiDalwood
Used under Creative Commons license.




I hope you find these tips useful!
If so, it would be awesome if you would check out my LearnPhoto365 Photography Assignment Generator Apps on the app store and the Google Play store, a unique photography app that’s meant to inspire you to take great photos!

Perfect for anyone taking part in a Photo 365 challenge, there are over a hundred individual assignments and hundreds of thousands of potential random ones. Versions available for iPhone/iPod and iPad, including free versions so you can try them out! Full details, including reviews and tour videos of the apps can be found at Even if you only download the free version that would help get it up the app store lists!




For cool lightsaber shots, you could meter from just the light on the faces as in the image below:

Another possibility is to spot meter from the saber, but the only issue with be the light on the subjects may not be bright enough, so you might have to mix in some flash. The image below was taken without flash, as you can see, the lightsabers are nicely colored, but the subjects are too dark.



Photo by Flickr user Gerry Lauzon Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user Gerry Lauzon Used under Creative Commons license.

But it can also result in some cool light streaks and trails like the lightsaber battle below, using slow shutter speeds in the dark.

Photo by Flickr user Brian Neudorff Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user Brian Neudorff Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user Niels Epting /brianneudorff/ Used under Creative Commons license.
Photo by Flickr user Niels Epting
/brianneudorff/ Used under Creative Commons license.

For some examples of mixing objects that emit light and their subjects using them, check out this post on photographing sparklers.
Photo by Flickr user Paul Hayday Used under Creative Commons license.

And if you are a photoshop wiz, you can insert Star Wars characters, vehicles, etc into your own photos! Check out the work of Thomas Dagg.

May the 4th Be With You!



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Noel Chenier
Photographer and teacher
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Photography Assignment Generator Apps now available on the app store!
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