Interview with Jerry Uelsmann, a pioneer in image manipulation. BTW…all done in the DARKROOM…no photoshop!
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-Interesting series of videos by Mathieu Stern of him shooting with weird and old lenses
-PhotoJojo is celebrating 10 years with a list of their 10 most popular posts.
-Learn about the creation of the first Kodak digital camera in this New York Times Lens Blog article.
-Hilarious series of images by Freddy Fabris that recreate famous paintings…with mechanics as the subjects.
Check out more great strips here!
Color Thief is an interesting app that allows you to take colors from one image and transfer them to another. Takes some playing around with, but it can provide some very interesting results.
Canadian Photography Institute
The National Gallery of Canada is establishing the Canadian Photography Institute (CPI), a world-class, multidisciplinary research centre dedicated to the history, evolution and future of photography.
You can submit interesting photography sites to the links directory here.
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