The annual Perseids Meteor Showers is peaking the mornings of August 11-13th! So get out your tripods, bring a mug of coffee, grab some friends, and go shoot them! Here’s some tips on how!
The annual Perseids Meteor Showers is peaking the mornings of August 11-13th! So get out your tripods, bring a mug of coffee, grab some friends, and go shoot them! Here’s some tips on how!
Comet C/2020 F3, AKA “NEOWISE” is gracing out sky for the next week. If you wanted to try to photograph it, I’ve got some tips for you. Now will be your only chance, since it won’t come back for another 6,800 years!
My name is Noel Chenier, you killed my father, prepare to die…
Oh wait, wrong fictional character!
My name is Noel Chenier, IAmA highly succesful social media influencer.
When I’m not doing that, I am a full-time photography instructor at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton.
Before that, I worked for almost two decades as a photographer for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper.
(For those born after the year 2000, it was how people go their news before the internet)
You can see some of that work here. Yes, I need to update my website. It’s on my list…
I also created a cool app Learn Photo365 to help insprie photographers. You can find more about that here.
To prepare for this, you really should check out my Instagram feed here and read every word of my posts.
I’ll probably end up regretting this…but here goes:
I’ll do my best to answer them as quickly as I can. Keep checking back for the answers!
The annual Lyrids Meteor Showers is peaking this week! It’s not a prolific meteor shower, but still an opportunity to shoot. So get out your tripods, bring a mug of coffee, and go shoot them! Here’s some tips on how!
So for many of us it’s two weeks into being stuck at home by ourselves (or with the kids) due to the Covid-19 Corona Virus pandemic…are you getting kinda squirrelly?
Figured I’d help out and start giving out some suggestions and ideas for keeping yourself busy with your photography during this difficult time. So here’s my first post, a reprocessing your old images challenge!
For a short period on Thursday night/early Friday morning we might be treated to a METEOR STORM know as the Alpha Monocerotids. For a very short window, you might be able to see almost 100 meteors in the 15 minute peak!
So get out your tripods, bring a mug of coffee, grab some friends, and go shoot them. Here’s some tips on how.
On Wednesday March 20th, we will be treated to yet another “super moon”!
Reality is, it’s not really THAT much larger than usual…but it does make it a bit larger for photographing and will allow you to potentially capture more detail.
So if you are raring to capture it, here are some tips on how get great photographs of the super moon.
A super awesome lunar eclipse is happening over January 20/21st!
North and South America are the prime viewing areas and will be able to witness the entire event, but those of you in Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia will be able to see some of it. (Sorry Australia, China, and India…you are sitting this one out!)
If you are lucky enough to be in the prime viewing areas however, here are tips on how to photograph the lunar eclipse!
If you shot the various sequences of the Lunar Eclipse, it’s great to combine them together in one image. Here’s a tutorial on how to do that in photoshop!
Lots of great deals out there for Black Friday/Cyber Monday…but which ones are the best?
I’ve gone through the flyers/online deals and here are the ones I’d recommend!
Note these are Canadian based vendors only, with current exchange rates most US deals probably won’t end up being great deals.
Answers So Far..
But I'll assume you are using a PC.
The problem is Windows is giving the drive a new letter when you plug it back in.
One online suggestion was to get Windows to give your drive a letter between M and Z, as Windows wouldn't normally assign those letters as you wouldn't have that many drives plugged in as once to reach those letters.
Here is a link with instructions.
Hope that helps!
For flate photos, better to set up so that you can get more distance between camera and food.
So a lower table or a higher tripod that allows you to mount the pole sidways so the camera can be placed directly above a subject.
You are having the problem I had with my alogrithm shoot I mention below...
35mm lens is going to give distortion on the edges, plus on a crop sensor it's not going give a much wider angle.
D5600/7200 are both the same megapixels, so there won't be an increase in quality, but are newer cameras so the chips are probably better quality.
D7200 would be the better choice if ye the wealth...
Other factors are potential camera shake, either too slow a shutter speed, not using a tripod, or not enough depth of field.
Hope that helps, if not email me some pix!