How To Photograph Comet C/2023 A3 (October 2024)

Comet NEOWISE visible in the night sky on July 18th, 2020 Shot at 30 seconds, F4, ISO 6400 with 24mm lens.

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), is gracing out sky for the next week. If you wanted to try to photograph it, I’ve got some tips for you. If you tried shooting the last one (NEOWISE) I have some good news for you…This one is much brighter!

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How To Photograph The Super Moon


On Wednesday March 20th, we will be treated to yet another “super moon”!
Reality is, it’s not really THAT much larger than usual…but it does make it a bit larger for photographing and will allow you to potentially capture more detail.
So if you are raring to capture it, here are some tips on how get great photographs of the super moon.

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How To Photograph The Draconids Meteor Shower

A Perseid Meteor streaks through the sky in August 2018

The annual Draconids Meteor Showers is peaking this week the night of October 8th! It’s not usually a very plentiful shower…but it can roar when you least expect it!
So get out your tripods, grab a coffee, and go shoot them! Here’s some tips on how!

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